Tips and Tricks: Getting Around

Photography and the Environment, Getting Around

One of the first issues some new photographers have is whipping out the camera or carrying it around with a tripod in public. Maybe it's the image of the Japanese tourist (no offense), not wanting to look like an idiot or just being shy. Whatever the reason is it's simply something that should be overcome. Photographs are far better than simple memories and the last thing any of us want is to lose something due to a lack of gumption.

Once you have overcome any mental perceptions or anxieties you may have to face it's time for confidence to take over which IS the biggest trick. Confidence will allow you to go unchallenged in most public settings as people hesitate to challenge someone who looks like they are supposed to be there or know where they are going. This will work to your advantage.

positioning and location limitations Realize there are some limitations to your newfound freedom. Hopping over a fence, bypassing a No Tresspassing sign and other intrusions could result in negative actions by some. Requesting permission is always a plus in these situations and in a large number of circumstances it will probably be granted. Worse case is a No.

If you have scoped out a location and have appropriate permission if it is not a public area, make sure you take everything you will need for the shoot. The last thing you want to do is not have some item you need and have to make a run back to your vehicle or pack up and go back home. Taking too much is another annoyance to deal with as well. The more time you spend behind the lense, the more you will become accustomed to requirements for a certain photo op.