Tips and Tricks: Equipment Matters

photographic digital cameras
Equipment Matters - Or Does It?

There's no shortage of enthusiasts (we'll call them "pixel peepers") that are obsessed with the latest cameras, lenses, software, and gadgets. I'll openly admit I'm one of them - I love my toys! When I was younger, I always used to think, "Ohh, I only need that new 24-70mm 2.8L lens, and then I can take better pictures!" I couldn't have been farther from the truth.

I have seen countless TERRIBLE pictures off of amazing equipment (including my own!), and I've seen just as many AMAZING pictures off of $6 disposable cameras (a topic for another day). The photographer is the one that makes the biggest difference - not the equipment. So whether you've got a $99 Canon Rebel or a $55,000 Hasselblad H3, YOU are the one that makes the most difference. So get out there and shoot!