Tips and Tricks: Photographs

What to Shoot?

One of the constant struggles for any photographer, is, what do I go out and shoot? Here's a fun game you can play with yourself. Grab your camera, a few rolls of film\memory cards, and pack 'em in your bag. Open up a map, grab a thumbtack, close your eyes, and put it down on a spot. Only got an afternoon? Grab a state map and only open a small area. Got a weekend? Open a country map and try to stay somewhere nearby. Now drive there, get out, and walk around! Every place, every person has a story. It's up to you to go find it. It might be a broken-down windmill, or it might be a couple celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. We're surrounded by an interactive world - go find something that interests you and make it into a permanent memory! Interest in a subject is a key as it will give you additional initiative.

Only interested in family events? Then take your camera with you everywhere. Todays digital camera equipment is relatively small and a large number of quality digital cameras easily fit in a pocket or purse. The best pictures I see in a photo album are usually the ones where family members are caught "unaware". These candid and spontanious shots are a great lasting memory and history of a familys growth and upon reflection are a great reminder of events and time spent.